We perform exceptional development for exceptional needs!

That means we are really able to provide cost effective development for any desire you have. We never step back and always have flexible approach to any request.

We have strong expertise in following technologies and services:

- system and solution architecture: we can build the system from scratch or review and provide list of recommendations that will save your money and improve your architecture

- security audit: we've had experience in our customer preparation to FINMA, ISO, SOC security audits, our customers successfully passed them with mostly low severity changes

- software development: we can develop custom a typical software for any of your needs on almost any modern software development language

- database development: we have very strong expertise on various SQL engines including experience in architecture, development and administration

- blockchain development: we can perform development private or public blockchain development for your business that will bring more transparency and trust for you customers

- cloud solutions: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean, Azure including IaaS terraform integration

Our Services

System and solution architecture

We can build the system from scratch or review and provide list of recommendations to save your money, bring more transparency, improve your architecture and it's performance. Our experts have experience in both Cloud and Bare-metal solutions as well as we can do both micro-services or monolith approaches.

Security and network audit

We've had experience in our customer preparation to FINMA, ISO, SOC security audits, our customers successfully passed them with mostly low severity changes. We perform both offline and online reviews per customer's needs. We had experience in financial, blockchain, social, file exchange business segments.

Software, database and blockchain

Experience in following languages: Java, Python, GO Lang, C++, C#, React.js, TypeScript, Redux, Node.js, Next.js. Experience in following DB and in-mem DB Engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, DynamoDB, Redis, Redshift. For blockchain development we offer: Solidity, Hyperledger, Corda

Various cloud provider solutions

Our team has experience in following cloud providers: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean, Azure. Our team can provide long term support of your running architecture, provide IaaS terraform integration for a long-term CI\CD deployment, provide recommendations for the best practices upgrades

Our Story

Our company is internationally based company having representative offices in various countries based in USA, Western and Eastern Europe. The company was founded in 2018 and has only best experience with our customers all over the world. We're focused on providing best quality and effort you our customers.

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Front-End Developer

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